pacotes com flores de verão

viva_a_fafah3.jpg viva_a_fafah4.jpg

Parece até que elas combinaram, pois as caixinhas vindas do Recife chegaram no mesmo dia! Pernambucanas porretas, tiraram o pobre velhinho que estava descansando merecidamente naquelas praias lindas de lá, mandaram ele aprumar as renas e vir me entregar essas lindezas de chita, que me deixaram imensamente feliz. Em pleno inverno, pacotes de calor, beleza e carinho. Obrigada Fafah! Obrigada Márcia! Agora aguentem eu, toda pimpona, possuidora rebolante de todas essas belezuras!

the bean experiment

“January 14, 2008
Dear Student Harvest Subscribers,
In you baskets last week you received a pound of Jacob’s Cattle Beans. They are part of a research project being done by Ann Prentiss and a number of Cooperative Extension researchers. This week there is a packet explaining the project that also includes recipes and other information about beans. Over the quarter you will receive a number of bean varieties and at some point there will be asked to fill out a survey about how you liked having beans as part of the CSA. This week in baskets we have kohlrabi, radicchio, red Russian kale, beets, a turnip, garlic, blood oranges (not organic, but grown on the Student Farm), basil, carrots, Carinata Kale and broccoli! Today’s baskets were picked and packed with love by Derek, Laura, Rachel, Raoul, Kobe, Lauren, and Catherine.